Losing Weight: Benefits and Tips for Healthy Weight Loss

Weight and back pain go hand in hand. Weight
gain can increase the risk of chronic health conditions, such as heart disease,
stroke, hypertension, stress, anxiety, depression, diabetes, and even cancer. Weight
loss occurs when you eat cut fat content and consume fewer calories.

Increasing physical activity and limiting
your calories can lead to a successful weight loss. We recommend consulting
your health provider or dietician for an effective weight loss program. Weight
gain is directly proportional to severe discomfort and pain in your
musculoskeletal structures. Read on!


Does Obesity Cause Back Pain?

According to the World Health Organization
(WHO), over 1.9 billion adults in the world are overweight. Likewise, about 650
million people are obese. About 39% of adults above eighteen, including 39% of
men and 40% of women, are overweight.

Nearly 13% of the world’s population,
including 11% of male individuals and 15% of female individuals, are obese. According
to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the obesity prevalence
in the United States is between 42% and 45%.

The U.S obesity rates have increased from
30.5% to 42.5% in the last two decades. So, weight gain means extra stress on
your spine and joints. Excessive fat accumulation in your abdomen region can
cause the pelvis and lumbar spine to slant forward, creating a round arch in
your lower back that leads to inflammation, discomfort, and pain.

Carrying excess weight and following a
sedentary lifestyle are primary factors that lead to obesity and back pain.
These factors also increase the risk of musculoskeletal disorders, such as
osteoarthritis, herniated disc, degenerative disc disease, and other problems.

Common back pain solutions include medications,
steroidal injections, acupuncture, minimally
invasive surgery
, and weight loss. Let us give you some tips on how to lose
weight and reduce the risk of back pain. Continue reading!

Keep to your meal routine

Weight and back pain are directly
proportional to each other. Sticking to your healthy meal routine can help you
lose weight and reduce the risk of back pain. Try to eat at the exact times
each day, whether two or six times a day. Pick a meal pattern that fits in with
your daily routine, and make sure you stick to it. If you need snacks, you can
try them around the same time each day.

Eat Less Fatty Food

Choose food items with less fat content to
maintain your weight. These foods are dairy products, salad dressings, and
processed items. Change to semi-skimmed milk and save 60-80 calories per day,
amounting to 420-500 calories over a week. That way, you can increase your
chances of losing weight quickly, eventually leading to reduce risk of back

Pack a healthy snack

Many people love to snack. If you are one of
them, choose a healthy option, such as fresh veggies, fruits, or low-calorie
milk and yogurts instead of fried foods, chocolates, and crisps. Have a banana
instead of chocolate to save 225 calories.

In addition, take a piece of fruit in your
bag when you are on the go, so, when you feel hungry, you can eat the fruit as
a snack. Choose yogurts with less than 150 calories per pot. That way, you can
consume more calcium content to keep your spinal structures healthy.

Regular Exercise

People who sit for a long time and do not
exercise are more prone to weight and back pain. Break up your sitting time,
stand up, and go outside for a walk. For example, standing up on the bus and
train can burn an extra 70-80 calories per hour.

Stand up when you watch TV during the ad
breaks. You can also do a few chores, such as washing the dishes or putting the
rubbish out. Besides, we recommend cardiovascular exercises, such as walking,
jogging, running, swimming, and dancing, to increase your heart rate,
streamline your metabolism, and burn extra fat.

Hydrate Yourself

Weight and back pain are problems for many
people. If you want to lose weight and reduce the risk of chronic back pain,
make sure you hydrate your body by drinking water and sugar-free squashes. Besides,
you can eat unsweetened fruit juice to lose weight.

It contains natural sugar that plays a
crucial role in your body’s functions. However, limit your fruit juice to one
glass per day – about 200ml or 1/3 pint. That way, you can avoid the risk of
increased weight and back pain – remember, a healthy diet and regular
exercise is the key to success.