Just How to avoid Sports Injuries

How to prevent sports injuries? Overuse,
direct impact, or force from the application are common causes of
. Sports injuries include bruises, strains, sprains, joint
injuries, carpal tunnel syndrome, repetitive stress injury, spinal injuries,
muscle aches, etc.

Back pain is a common condition that affects
millions of people worldwide, including individuals with an active lifestyle. Spinal
injuries can hinder your day-to-day life and cause other applications if you
fail to apply back pain solutions.


How to prevent sports injuries, particularly
back pain? Warm-up before performing your workout. For instance, 5-10 minutes
of slow walking or jogging can increase blood flow to major muscle groups in
your body, including your spinal muscles. Warm-up is also an effective way to
increase your metabolic rate and prepare your muscles for a higher intensity

Cool Down

Once you have completed a day’s sports or
exercise, make sure you cool down your body. Decrease the intensity of your
sports and continue to move for 5-10 minutes. Next, perform slow and static
stretches for at least ten minutes to cool down your body.

Remember, cooling down will help your body
adjust by enabling a proper reduction in heart rate and blood pressure. It
prevents blood pooling in your legs and spine while promoting adequate lactic
acid removal to prevent muscular soreness, particularly in your lower spine.

Stretch Slowly

Inhale and exhale regularly when stretching
your body or muscles. Make sure you always hold your stretch for at least 10 to
30 seconds. Learn proper techniques to perform sports by joining instructional
classes or taking private lessons. You can also hire a certified personal
trainer if you play professionals sports.

Wear Proper Attire

Experts recommend wearing comfortable shoes
that fit well and are designed for the specific sports you play. Wear socks
made with wool or cotton to prevent blisters. Wear shirts on hot days to
protect your skin.

If you are a woman, we recommend wearing
sports bras when performing intense exercises. Likewise, wear helmets for
activities like biking and roller skating. You must also wear safety glasses
for sports like squash and racquetball. Fasten a belt if you feel pain or
discomfort in your thoracic or lumbar spine.

Pay Attention to Nutrition

A balanced diet is key to success because it
maintains your body’s metabolism and provides your muscles with essential
nutrients. Likewise, you must stay hydrated by drinking at least eight glasses
of water daily.

Avoid saturated fat and cholesterol-rich food
items and lower the consumption of refined and sugary diets. Eat fruits and
vegetables because they contain anti-inflammatory compounds to prevent back
pain. So, a balanced diet is one of the best back pain solutions.

Good Posture

Good posture means reduced risk of suffering
from back pain. Poor posture can worsen your back pain, especially if you sit
for a prolonged period and slouch on a computer desk. Avoid slumping over your
keyboard, and always sit upright. Perform posture-correction exercises to
reduce the risk of back pain.

OTC Medications

Back pain can result from sports injuries.
So, how to prevent sports injuries? Or how to treat back pain that results from
high-intensity exercise? One of the best ways to relieve your spinal pain is
taking OTC medications such as NSAIDs. These are anti-inflammatory drugs that
reduce swelling in your back muscles and relieve pain.

Physical Therapy

Physical therapy is an excellent way to learn
how to sit, stand, and walk. It involves specific exercises that strengthen
your spinal muscles, improve your back’s flexibility, and increase your range
of motion. Remember, a strong core can prevent sports injuries, including back
pain, in the future.

Spine Surgery

Although prevention methods and conservative
treatment options can relieve your back pain, it is time to discuss your
situation with a qualified neurosurgeon if your pain persists for more than
four weeks.

For example, if you have a bulging disc, it
can put pressure on your nerve. In that case, a qualified neurosurgeon will
recommend a microdiscectomy
. On the other hand, you may undergo a minimally invasive
laminectomy surgery if the pressure is on the nerve.

Final Words

Sports injuries are prevalent and can affect
your daily life and prevent you from playing sports or perform exercises. There
are numerous ways to prevent sports injuries in the spine, arms, legs,
shoulders, and other areas.

How to prevent sports injuries? Follow the
tips and tricks, including back pain solutions, to avoid damages from playing
sports. Always consult your doctor if your back pain persists for more than
four weeks.